EDIE Initiative
In October 2020, the Office of University Scholars and Fellows launched its inaugural Excellence, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (EDIE) plan. This initiative was instrumental in focusing our unit’s goals, objectives, programming, and resources towards promoting a more inclusive culture. To continue to elevate our EDIE initiative, we must consistently review our practices, policies, and programs to ensure we are creating robust opportunities and multiple pathways for the OUSF community to participate in our offerings. Our EDIE initiative has anchored and framed our operations as we seek to oversee scholarship programs that foster a sense of belonging.

OUSF staff, faculty, and students engage in a broad array of EDIE-related events, programming, and activities. A signature EDIE event is our annual Faculty Flash Talks on Race and Society—now a component of our Critical Conversations series. Critical Conversations, for sophomore and junior merit scholars, is a faculty panel series on a variety of academic topics. For 2024-2025, the Critical Conversation Series is focusing on climate change and environmental justice. Students will also be invited to tour Duke Forest and the Lemur Center with Duke faculty to learn about the biological and ecological research taking place. We also are engaging alumni who are working in the climate sector to meet with students.
OUSF formed an EDIE Student Advisory Committee in fall 2020. This student group was helpful in formulating and executing our initial goals and plans. In spring 2023, we integrated this committee into a newly expanded student organization: OUSF Student Advisory Committee. OSAC comprises merit scholars from across programs and supports recruitment, outreach, and programming, as well as provides counsel to the OUSF staff. There is an EDIE representative for all OSAC subcommittees.
OUSF’s Book Club heightens staff members’ engagement, awareness, and accountability on EDIE-related issues, as well as cultivates stronger relationships among the group members. The group meets consistently throughout the year. Resources comprise a wide-range of topics from books, articles, blogs, podcasts, and videos.
Should you like more information on OUSF’s EDIE initiative, such as information on current activities, please contact Karen Weber.