
Class of 2024
A.B. Duke Scholar

Hometown: Roslyn Heights, New York

Majors: Interdisciplinary Engineering & Applied Science (Risk, Data & Financial Engineering) and English
Minor: Computer Science

Hobbies: stand-up comedy, critical theory, Lou Reed, computational media, puppetry, American studies

Tell us about your Duke experience:

I hail from New York and plans to study Risk, Data & Financial Engineering and Computer Science at Duke. With interests at the cross-section of engineering and finance, I am passionate about applying quantitative, software-based solutions in areas ranging from healthcare to the stock market. Among the highlights of my first semester at Duke, I prototyped a smart-blinds system, a device used to adjust window blinds in accordance with weather data to optimize residential energy efficiency. Additionally, I am a member of TAMID, a club in which I work as a consultant for Israeli-based start-up companies. I'm also a member of Delta Sigma Pi, Duke’s business fraternity, where I have collaborated on entrepreneurship and web development projects. While I have established myself in several business organizations, I'm looking forward to getting involved in engineering research in my coming years at Duke. Beyond my studies, I am a fan of cult films and have grown a considerable collection of movie posters in my dorm room. Additionally, I love watching stand-up comedy (yet I find it necessary to publicly dispel rumors that I myself am stand-up comedian, although is flattered by all those who have asked her to share a joke). As a fan of classic rock, I'm also attempting to learn the electric guitar.

Throughout all my endeavors at Duke thus far, the A.B. Duke Community has proven to be incredibly supportive and motivating—both academically and professionally. From day trips with fellow A.B.’s, to monthly chats with acclaimed Duke professors, the diversity of identities and interests within the program has offered unlimited potential to collaborate and learn. I am extremely grateful to be part of a passionate and intellectual society that has allowed me to maximize academic involvement within the Duke community and beyond.