
Class of 2025
A.B. Duke Scholar

Hometown: San Jose, California

Major: Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science

Hobbies: I love to dance, play the ukulele, and sing. I also enjoy watching French television and rewinding every ten seconds to figure out what just happened. 

Why Duke?

To me, Duke encompassed everything I valued in my prospective college education—close engagement with talented faculty and a focus on undergraduate research. Everyone I have met has immediately been warm, welcoming, and always ready to share stories about an interesting class, a cool project, or an amazing professor. The A.B. Scholarship is not only an opportunity to deep dive but an encouragement of that journey into anything I am passionate about, whether it be developmental economics or political dance choreography in the Middle East. It is also a family whom I can always talk to and learn from throughout my four years here. I've already met such amazing A.B.s who have never hesitated to give advice or reach out. At Duke, I plan to partake in economic development research and international sustainable banking efforts through the plethora of programs this university offers. Outside of the classroom, I hope to join a dance group and try out musical theatre for the first time!